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6 Month Warranty
JAGOFITRI - Mar 2025
Kredivo Jan 2025
HCI December 2024
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Quality Guaranteed

Quality Guaranteed

100% functional phones.
Free 30-day warranty.



Serious about money? Our fine
selection and prices will delight you.

Transparency & Legitimacy

Transparency & Legitimacy

All phones are original and comply
with the latest regulations.

Customer Care

Customer Care

We always give you the best
shopping experience.

Trusted in<br>IndonesiaIMEI Tested &<br>Functional

Trusted in

Supporting local businesses
Jago Premium Quality

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IMEI Tested &

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What jagoans say about us


Proses cepet banget, dan bisa cod an pas kita ga ada waktu buat nyari handphone second yang bagus. Terimakasih jagofon


Aku kasih 5 Bintang ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ buat Jagofon! Servicenya fast response banget dan bisa kasih pilihan yang intinya bisa bikin buyer lebih puas dan ga rugi buat beli hpnya! Good Job!

Darren G

At first, I was skeptical about all this, so I bought the cheapest phone I could find on this site. Their service was excellent to my surprise and the quality of the phone was great! I gave that phone to my 10 year old and today I just bought a better one for me! :)

Dewi S

Wah baru beli iPhone murah tapi berfungsi 100%! Gw baru beli iPhone 6s dan ga nyangka semulus ini!

Annisa Ambarukmi

produk nya original, alsesoris komplit, kualitas juga sangat bagus, muluuuus, packaging juga OK, fast respon, diantar juga kerumah tanpa biaya tambahan, oia dapet tambahan screen protector juga.. terimakasiiiih !!

Muhammad Hendry

Alhamdulillah, barangnya sesuai dengan kondisi. Admin dan pengirim paketnya juga sabar banget ngelayaninnya. Thank you jagofon

Yohanes joe

Barang sesuai harapan,berfungsi bgs

Risky Septiana

Pengiriman sehari sampai cepet bangetttt, bh 100%, imei aman, kondisi lumayan oke. Trimakasih Jagofon?

Hanif Dinar Mufida

high quality product and service! if you're looking for secondhand smartphones, jagofon is a right place for you. would definitely recommend to my friends and family👍🏼👍🏼👍🏼

Aan Afrino

Alhamdulillah ga ada kendala sama sekali, produknya juga ga ada cacat masih mulus banget kaya baru

Muhammad Ali Akbar

The whole process was very fast and easy. The phone looks completely brand new, you couldn't tell it's secondhand! Excellent customer service and product quality. Thank you Jagofon!

Awi Wijaya

Fast respon, lgsg dilayani dgn baik, barang juga diterima dengan baik, tidak mengecewakan dan sesuai iklan. Buat kalian yg bingung beli HP 2nd kualitas super cobain deh beli disini. High recommend. Sukses terus Jagofon!

Peni Ariska

Aku rekomendasi ke kalian yang punya low budget tapi mau cari web aman dengan produk yang berkualitas. Pelayanan yang ramah dan gaakan kecewa.

M Habibur Rahman


Yohanes joe

Barang sesuai harapan, Cs ramah dan mau menjelaskan, Beli pagi sore sampai, Mungkin akan beli kembali buat yg ke2,ke3 Recomen bgt beli disini....

Billy Marvin

Pas sampe saya buka check condisi Wow battre condisi 100% barang nya sebagai Iphone berfungsi dengan baik. Mereka emang menjaga Condisi smartphone dengan teliti. Kaget bisa quality nya mantap, battre nya mantap! 100% gokil, Jagofon!

Andhee Agustinus

CSnya sangat fast respons dan barangnya pun sesuai dengan deskripsi. Siang pesan sore sudah sampai. Sangat puas belanja disini. Metode pembayaran pun flexible dan beragam. Semoga awet barangnya, suskes selalu JagoFon tetap jaga kualitasnya. Regards.

Quality Assurance

These functions have been tested by Jagofon on all products

Proximity sensor
Battery (Minimum 80%)
Wifi - Bluetooth - 3G/4G
Headphone jack
Speakers and Microphone
Charging port
SIM card reader
Touch/Face ID
IMEI code
Cellular network

Frequently asked questions

All the products we sell are legitimate and 100% functional (including screen, battery health etc). However, the physical condition of each phone may differ. We have categorised these conditions into the below:

  • Mint:
    • Screen: Excellent condition. No scratches.
    • Body: Excellent condition. No scratches visible from a distance of 20cm.
    • Battery: Good condition. Minimum 80% of its maximum capacity
  • Very Good:
    • Screen: Excellent condition. No scratches.
    • Body: Very good condition. No scratches visible from a distance of 20 inches (about an arm's length).
    • Battery: Good condition. Minimum 80% of its maximum capacity.
  • Good:
    • Screen: Very good condition. No scratches visible when the screen is on.
    • Body: Good condition. May have light but plainly visible scratches.
    • Battery: Good condition. Minimum 80% of its maximum capacity.
  • Fair:
    • Screen: Good condition. No scratches visible when the screen is on.
    • Body: Fair condition. May have visible signs of use, with scratches and/or dents that can be felt.
    • Battery: Good condition. Minimum 80% of its maximum capacity.
We currently ship all across Indonesia.
Jagofon offers free shipping for all phones to the Jabodetabek region.
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